Our (not so new anymore) apartment is coming along nicely, but wall decor is one area that still eludes us. We have more blank walls than I’d care to admit. I think it’s because artwork feels permanent to me, and it also tends to be a pretty big investment. So when my friend Janette reached out and offered to send a print my way from the newly-launched, affordable photo-printing service Parabo Press, I was more than happy to try it out.
And I’m so glad I did! As you can see, I’m happy to report our bedroom wall finally got some love. We chose a picture we took from our trip to Bavaria and it brings back fond memories whenever I see it.
So the crazy part of the whole deal — this “Engineer Print”, they call it, is 4’x3′ (for reference, we have a Cal king bed), and it goes for $25. How’s that for affordable? And since framing can sometimes be a whole ordeal in and of itself, they have alternative options there too. What you see here are the large “skeleton clips”. I used these to secure the print and sidestep framing altogether.
You can find their whole range of options, greeting cards, hardcover photo books, and more, on the Parabo Press site. If you have any too-bare walls or images waiting to be printed, hop over and take a peek.
Print and clips courtesy of Parabo Press.