We like these. Did I miss anything? Leave it in the comments.
1. Jeffrey Campbell shoes. The obsession has been documented time and again. The taller…the better?? Okay, so I wasn’t serious about that last pair. But these are no joke.
2. Close-ups of desserts. Cupcakes, macaroons (which are the “new cupcakes”, by the way), shortcake, it doesn’t really matter. We like to zoom right in. Leave starving to the professionals. We’re a hungry bunch.
3. Cleft shoes. Something about shoes that look like horse’s feet…sexy. These shoes often draw outright disgust from others; they look like hooves.
4. Fashion disheveled in nature: Slouchy tops, haphazard hair, shambles. (Aside: how crazy was real-life Derelicte?!)
5. Loose tops tucked into short, high-waisted skirts, worn with a hat. Too specific? Nah.